Sunday, October 4, 2009


You don't have to be wealthy to be generous.

Isn't it amazing how our children can teach us lessons better than anyone else?  The purity in their actions and words speaks volumes.

Today we took a quick trip to run some errands with the kids.  One of our stops was the fabulous Wal-Mart (hah) for a few things.  Abbie had a gift card she received for her birthday and was going to choose something while we were there to spend it on!  However, on the way there she decided she wanted to share it.  It was beautiful watching the kids decide the best way to split the $10.  Abbie suggested $2 for each child, Skyler suggested $5 for Trendon (the boy) and $5 for the rest of the girls, cause the girls will share anyway.  So funny---they had several different combination's that even changed after we were shopping.  

So, we leave the store with 3 rubber amphibians for Trendon and a set of paper tickets for the girls.  The girls had agreed they would like to play movie theater and needed tickets to do so.  Anyway, in the van they then began concocting their next scheme.  They asked me the most beautiful question----

Abbie:  "Mom, can we ask each person that comes to our house for a penny in exchange for a ticket?"

Skyler:  "Yea, cause we wanna donate the money."

Abbie:  "Yea, to the box at McDonalds."

Skyler:  "You know, to save a child's life."

Abbie: "We could get a LOT of pennies for tickets Mom."

Ahh, could my heart feel any fuller?  The life lessons from children are endless.  I am more inspired and more anxious to find ways for our whole family to give and volunteer together.  Children are so ready to be shown how to give!

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

1 Comment:

Stephanie Williams said...

LOVE those kids and their loving hearts :)