Saturday, September 19, 2009

Vacation Time!!!

Zack has been gone 4 1/2 of the last 6 weeks!  He was in Florida in early August and then got shipped off, very unexpectedly, to Canada for a huge work project.  He was able to come home for 10 days and then back up North he flew where he's still working away.  When we thought he'd be finished and home by now we planned a little week-end getaway for some precious family time.  We decided to trek down South to Dallas so S & T could also spend some time with their mom.  I am hoping we'll make it to Family Funday @ the Irving Arts Center, the State Fair, and spend lots and lots of time lounging by the pool being lazy but enjoying eachother! 

We'll be leaving Thursday -- we CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!