Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Mommy Agenda

It's here again! Time to pull out the hoodies and pack away the
shorts & tank tops. Football, autumn leaves, crisp air mornings, and
potato soup. That's what I love about Fall. Today will be our Fall
clean-out day. We will organize our closets and start bracing for the
cooler weather that's on the way.
I am getting to the point in our family's world where I have such
great helpers! However, I still feel guilty having them spend their
week-ends cleaning so here's the plan: today we'll clean out closets
while jamming to some great music but tomorrow we are going to
I think it's the perfect trade-off. Let's see just how successfully I
can enact this agenda.
What do you think: is this bribery or a true teaching moment about
working hard for what we want in life?

1 Comment:

Micki said...

Bribery: In Wal-Mart and your toddler is screaming and you say, "Here, I'll buy you this toy if you stop." That's bribery--and they repeat the behavior because you've shown them they can earn something for very little effort.

I don't have any problem at all with allowances, or rewards for a job well done. You reward children all the time, whether it is with a hug and kiss, a batch of cookies made together, an allowance, whatever. Why not make it official so they make the connection?

It only becomes a problem if you always associate with a reward (every time you clean your room you get $1). Rewards for small thngs should be general and infrequent--unless it's praise from Mom.