Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 More Weeks -

It's hard to believe my schooling days are almost over!  In just 2 short weeks I will have completed all of my credit hours for my MBA in Human Resource Administration!!!!  My graduation isn't until December as I will get to walk with the traditional students and meet all of my online classmates that have become some of my great friends!!! 

On a serious note, I do have to give such mega thanks to all my friends and family that have supported me through this process.  I know for some (i.e. Zack) it hasn't been easy to have me occupied with papers and studying nearly every week-end of the past 2 years.  We've found a decent balance but it has affected his world for sure.  Thank you honey!!  I am entirely too lucky to have been blessed with you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


This describes much better than my words how much fun we had today!!

We are here!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Mommy Agenda

It's here again! Time to pull out the hoodies and pack away the
shorts & tank tops. Football, autumn leaves, crisp air mornings, and
potato soup. That's what I love about Fall. Today will be our Fall
clean-out day. We will organize our closets and start bracing for the
cooler weather that's on the way.
I am getting to the point in our family's world where I have such
great helpers! However, I still feel guilty having them spend their
week-ends cleaning so here's the plan: today we'll clean out closets
while jamming to some great music but tomorrow we are going to
I think it's the perfect trade-off. Let's see just how successfully I
can enact this agenda.
What do you think: is this bribery or a true teaching moment about
working hard for what we want in life?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Abbie's here I am!

Skyler's New Pet

Skyler: So proud of her English project!! :-)

Livie's Me Girl

Thank you so much Aunt Lyssie for all your creative expertise in the creation of this adorable craft bio of Olivia!:-)

Trendon's Important Things

Sometimes I Act Funny
Sometimes I feel sick
I am very good at video games
I don't like broccale
People say I am helpful

Monday, September 21, 2009


I just realized I haven't blogged about all the new developments in Skyler's world.  She has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.  We were absolutely shocked by this diagnosis as it does mean a life long treatment of medication.  She has started on Synthroid and her doctors will be working to perfect the dosage level that she needs to get her hormones on track.  She will be getting her blood drawn a lot in the next few months :-(.

The doctors are also going to measure her bone age by having an x-ray taken of her wrist.  They have noticed that she is the size of a 6 year old and in the 10th percentile for height.  This is most likely cause by her thyroid not performing properly.  We are unsure as of yet how they will treat this stunted growth or what that means for Skyler long term.

She has an appointment with an Endocrinologist in December so we should learn a lot more then.

Please keep her and us in your prayers as we work to get her healthy and strong.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

...still missing him

 4 years ago I fell in love with this boy - incredibly smart, shockingly adorable, sweet as sugar, and way more stubborn than necessary.;)  We made drastic life changes in order to merge our lives together because of this love.  The past 4 years have brought 2 more drastic life changes (i.e. cross country moves) involving both opportunity and heartbreak.  Also, Zack graduated college, I started my M.B.A. studies, we brought a beautiful daughter into this world together, and have (I would argue) pretty darn successfully blended our children into a very happy family.  After all this, shouldn't it be easy to be without him for a few weeks while he travels for business?  IT'S NOT!  I miss him like crazy.  For the most part, I'm in a new routine with the kids and house...nothings perfect but we can handle the day-to-day.  Of course, the kids miss their Daddy like crazy and can't wait for him to return. 

But, I do too!!  It's been a wacky road realizing how many of the little things I miss while he's gone.  Many evenings we wind down on the deck...just chatting and spending time together while the sun goes down.  I have been lost at night since he's been gone.  After the kids go to bed my house is SO QUIET!

He's blessed to have a great job - but we will all be so glad when the Canada project is complete and he's back home with us:-)!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Vacation Time!!!

Zack has been gone 4 1/2 of the last 6 weeks!  He was in Florida in early August and then got shipped off, very unexpectedly, to Canada for a huge work project.  He was able to come home for 10 days and then back up North he flew where he's still working away.  When we thought he'd be finished and home by now we planned a little week-end getaway for some precious family time.  We decided to trek down South to Dallas so S & T could also spend some time with their mom.  I am hoping we'll make it to Family Funday @ the Irving Arts Center, the State Fair, and spend lots and lots of time lounging by the pool being lazy but enjoying eachother! 

We'll be leaving Thursday -- we CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Purty purty please----

Friends and family --- vote in the poll to the right!
Be sure and look at the new albums before you vote though---- http://gallery.me.com/s.tuck
Thank ya:-)

The Week of Birthdays!

These girls are growing up!  Abbie is now 8!!  And Liv is 6!  

We had a fabulous party this past Saturday at a horse ranch.  The kids were able to meet over 20 horses, learn how to brush them, ride them and play games while in the saddle!!!!  All of the kids seemed to have a blast and Zack and I realized parties not at our own house are DEFINITELY the way to go!  So much less stress and best of all -- less clean-up!!

When talking to the girls about what they wished for for their special days, Abbie had only one request "Please Momma just ANYTHING that is alive!!"  After talking with Zack and exploring Petco together we decided to get her a gerbil!!!!  It's the cutest little thing -- Abbie carries him (Max is his name) around all day in a make-shift sling around her neck!  She takes him to eat and get water and then loves on him so more.  It's more than adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

Olivia is 6!!!!

I brought cupcakes to Livies class today in celebration of her 6th
birthday! She couldn't have been more delighted:-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Photo Album

Check out my new online photo album site: http://gallery.me.com/s.tuck I am still trying to figure out how to organize everything --- it takes me a while with this technology stuff!! Let me know what you think of the me.com versus the snapfish updates.

:) Have a fantastic Friday!

Waiting .....

Peachie and Aunt Rach came to visit us for the week-end!!!!! We have
lots of fun things planned including Abbie and Livie's birthday party
tomorrow!!!!!!! Here's a pic of them all sitting outside waiting to
greet them with big hugs and kisses:)