Friday, January 16, 2009

Not a Snow Day...but a Cold Day?

(Abbie, Trendon, Skyler yesterday all bundled up waitin' on the school bus!)

Looking through my blog from the beginning, I found my post last February poking fun at the snow days for Kentucky schools. Well, today might just top them all! There's NO snow......they canceled school because of the frigid temperatures. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have my babies home! Just listening to Zack's stories about how very few times he remembers a snow day in Nebraska shows just how different Kentucky is!! Today the temp is around -3, the coldest it has been in Kentucky since 2004 when we hit -6. In debating with Zack, I try to take up for my Ole Kentucky Home when school is called off with less than 2 inches of snow....we aren't as prepared as Nebraska road departments to care for the roads, we aren't as used to driving in the ice & snow but I think he wins this debate. Yes, it's frigid but no school???????

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

sissies. the kids in my class were relieved to find out we wouldn't force them to go out for recess because the wind chill was -14 on thursday. :-)