Skyler rocked out a beautiful angel, Livie pranced around as the quintessential Fairy Princess, Trendon (and most of his friends) wanted nothing more than to be a character from Star Wars -- he finally chose Anakin Skywaker, and Abbie happened in to Albert Einstein. Her original choice was scientist but after I found white hair color spray at Wal-Mart we had to go all out! She even went home with the best costume prize from the elementary schools costume contest!
We are already thinking about next year's costumes and Skyler is adamant that I should make hers (like I half way made Abbie's) so that she was have a chance to win the contest!:) As of now, she wants to be an artist....the other kids don't have a clue yet!
What were your kiddos for Halloween? Did you make or buy their costumes?
Happy Halloween..the kids costumes were great! I love the mad scientist. Our neighborhood did okay with candy, though some streets were better then older man actually told us there just weren't many kids out and about this year.
Jessica: Wonder how many kids couldn't trick or treat due to illness.... :(
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